Restoration BloG

How to Prevent Molds in Basement from Surfacing in Santa Rosa

Mold growth in a home is a major concern. Inhaling mold spores can open up a Pandora’s box of health issues such as breathing problems, allergic reactions, and sinus congestion. Basements are one of the favorable breeding grounds for mold. Moisture in basements...

Why is Fire Damage Restoration Important for your home?

Fire is one of the most significant discoveries in the history of mankind. From helping a chef to prepare yummy delicacies in a Santa Rosa eatery to keeping a family warm in Alaska, fire helps to make life simpler and better. However, there’s a flip side, one that...

Fast & Reliable Natural Ways to Get Rid of Mold

Not only does mold look ugly, but it also destroys the grout and stains the porous surface that can be detrimental to your health. Mold spores are known to cause skin irritation, allergies, sinus infections, and many other such health problems. Keep your homes free...

5 Things to Consider while Hiring Mold Removal Company Services

Mold removal can be an exasperating and daunting task. Homeowners often find themselves facing a loss when it comes to dealing with mold removal. However, where should you begin? And, how can you get mold removal done at a reasonable price? If these are the questions...

Black Mold Removal in Santa Rosa – What Is Black Mold?

Nobody wants mold in their home, but certain forms are much more dangerous than others. Investing in black mold removal is crucial to ensure that you keep your Santa Rosa home in great shape and avoid the health problems that come from this particular type of mold....

White Mold in Your Home: What Does it Mean?

If you notice something growing on your walls, ceilings, or floor that looks like white mold, you are likely wondering if it is dangerous. Truth be told, white mold is not a specific species of mold. Any species of mold can appear white. It is also important to...

Understanding Black Mold and Its Removal from Your Santa Rosa Home

It is highly likely that at some point in your life, you came into some contact with black mold. The truth of the matter is that mold can grow nearly everywhere as long as it has the right environment. The proper environment for mold growth includes the presence of...

The Importance Of Mold Removal In Sonoma County

Mold inside a home can cause a wide assortment of health problems. However, the use of services that specialize in mold removal in Sonoma County can help you remove mold inside your home. Mold typically grows inside homes due to heavy moisture and is most common in...

Here Are the Top Five Apartment Fire Safety Tips

An apartment fire can occur at any time and utilizing apartment fire safety tips can be the difference between life and death. Apartment fires are especially challenging due to the high volume of people and the different types of buildings. However, these five simple...

Dealing with Fire and Water Damage in Santa Rosa and Sonoma County

March 29, 2018 – Santa Rosa and Sonoma County – When major disaster strikes, preparation is key. Restoration experts usually start working days in advance, buying equipment, training staff on rescue missions and initiating community involvement exercises to educate...

Everything You Need to Know About Mold in Your Sonoma County Home

Mold removal in Sonoma County is something you need to take very seriously. If you have mold in your home, you need to get rid of it before it spreads, deteriorates your property or causes health problems. However, there are specific steps you need to take when it...